The Birchwood School District is lucky to have numerous educational partnerships with area groups and organizations. Some of these Educational Partnerships include:
Birchwood Educational Foundation: The Educational Foundation helps to "strengthen community participation in our school and provide financial support for innovative educational programs and creative projects that inspire both teachers and students to achieve educational excellence."
FabLab: An Advisory Committee made up of representatives from area businesses will help guide our FabLab to success. Our current advisory committee is made up of representatives from Rice Lake Weighing, Masonite, Thomas Marine, and Paul's Sheet Metal. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Brian Jerry at [email protected].
Futurewood Corp: The Birchwood School District and Futurewood Corp. have been working together for the last 20 years, during this time Futurewood Corp. has given over $40,000 either through the stumpage program or gift giving to the school.These monies have been used towards the schools environmental programs or for projects related with Project ELM or Bobcat Pond. The original intent of the stumpage program donation is to go into projects, students, and equipment that are directly related to natural resources program and preferably use for activities on our property. This is a program that we started with the school back in 1990.
Book Buddy Program: Community volunteers encourage reading by joining our elementary students at the traditional school for weekly book buddy sessions. To volunteer, contact Rose Benson-Volunteer Coordinator at 715-354-3471.
Community Garden: A Grant funded by the Green Bay Packers Foundation allows many Educational Opportunities for our students through the Community Garden. Did you know that for $10 you can rent a 5’x24’ plot in the school’s new community garden? The plot will be cultivated, fertilized with compost, is fenced, and water is included. The garden is located on East Park Ave across from the student parking lot. This is sponsored by the Birchwood Public School. Contact Adam Smith at 715-354-3471 if interested.