Superintendent - Dr. Gayle Luebke
Principal - Jeff Stanley
School Board Members
Mike Paul (Treasurer)
Rebecca Hrdlicka (Clerk)
Bob Langham (President)
Tammy Saldana
Justin Kongshaug (Vice President)

Reports and Documents
WI Dept of Revenue Statement of Changes in Equalized Values
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue's Equalization Bureau issues the Statement of Equalized Values. This report compares the previous year's Equalized Values to the current year's Equalized Values. It also details changes for both real and personal property.
DOR Property Tax Relief Credits
Wisconsin currently has three tax credit programs where credits are paid to municipalities and shown on your property tax bills: the school levy tax credit, the first dollar credit, and the lottery and gaming tax credit. The legislature appropriated a sizable increase in the school levy credit this year.
Notice of Change in Adopted Budget in 2023-2024
Tax Levy Mill Rate & Dollars
Tax Levy 2024 by Municipality
Wisconsin's Equalized Values
Budget Adoption 2023-2024